alfa romeo 33ti for sale

Basic but nice: 1989 Alfa Romeo 33Ti

1989 Alfa Romeo 33Ti For Sale Description

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How not to sell an Alfa Romeo 33Ti again. Put all the boring detail photos first. The Alfa Romeo 33 was the first sporty car available on the Spanish market when the old régime´s prohibitive import duty was dropped. So whereas the rest of Europe did rate the 33 as highly as the Alfasud which it replaced, Spain embraced the model. As the 33 was a notorious rust-bucket, Spain is a good place to look for a good example.

This one is in Jaen (central Spain, ultra dry climate), relatively low spec 1.5 Ti (but twin carbs and 100hp), which has lasted well. The interior looks well-kept, and that is a weak point of any 1980s Alfa. Privately-owned, price is good and if this is what you want, could be worth a cheap flight to check it out, then drive it home if the boxes are ticked.

Price: 1.100 €

alfa romeo 33ti for sale

Access original ad at Mil Anuncios →

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