austin victoria for sale

1971 Austin Victoria: Confused Identity

1971 Austin Victoria For Sale Description

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The advertiser is wrong 3 times from 4. It is an Austin (not MG or a Morris) and the model name is Victoria (not Vittoria, though there is a Basque connection). If you haven´t seen one of these before, the «concept» was originally sold in South Africa as the Austin Apache. The only other market where you could buy this was Spain, where it was built in Pamplona (the Basque connection) by Authi.

So the concept was to sell more BMC 1100/1300s by commissioning Micholetti to refresh the aging concept. Knowing British Leyland would buy any old rubbish, Micholetti put basically his front and rear from Triumph Dolomite onto the old BMC shell. It is the motoring equivalent of an anteater, not pretty, does the job.

If you are fascinated how BMC/BL could develop a good idea into a bad one (what would they have done with the 911?), you need one of these Austin Victoria. And if so, this is a basic but well-looked after example. Low mileage in white /red, you have the only one in town if you live in northern Europe. The Momo look wheel is just a cover, and underbonnet looks good, not a lot of money and equally cheap to run, this is a 2 owner car originally registered in Ourense, Galicia where it remains to this day (5 hours/500kms from Madrid).

Price: 3.650 €

Access original ad at Mil Anuncios →

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